
Meet BioTouch™ - We Handle Your Kitting And Logistics

You’re a healthcare executive in a medical laboratory or hospital setting and you are managing logistics, kitting, and printing among several companies who transport specimen samples, deliver medical kits, and print and ship medical labels. You have to contact each company individually when there is an issue. And isn’t there almost always an issue? There must be an easier way to do all of this.

Meet BioTouch™.

BioTouch™ has a simple solution. Manage everything under one roof, with one company. Let us handle it all with more care, so you don’t have to.

Handle it all with more care.

BioTouch™ Integration

If you’re tired of working with multiple companies – one company for kitting, one for supply distribution, another for printing, and so on… we get it. That’s why BioTouch™ integrates these services to simplify, kitting, logistics, and delivery. 

We have decades of experience, our five integrated business units, The Allied Group, Hospital Couriers, Lab Logistics, Path-Tech, and Printcraft Press, offer a single-source solution combining all of that experience and expertise in the healthcare kitting, supply chain logistics, and printing industries. 

How BioTouch™ Helps You

By providing an all-in-one approach with customized solutions for the healthcare industry, including laboratories, hospitals, and life science organizations around the world, BioTouch™ offers a unique, integrated service delivery model that includes:

  • Kit development
  • Inventory management
  • Client supply chain distribution
  • Client supply chain technology
  • Courier management technology
  • Logistics solutions
  • Temperature control
  • Business insights
  • Print, promotional, and creative services

We want to make your job easier, and to help make your business run more efficiently. To learn how you can create this holistic, customized solution for your kitting and logistics needs, contact us today to schedule a demo.

About BioTouch™

BioTouch™ is a single-source, international provider that brings a higher level of care to healthcare delivery, spanning medical kit and supply distribution, printing, logistics, temperature-control, and last-mile services.

Our solutions help eliminate silos and give laboratories and hospitals all the critical intelligence needed to create new efficiencies across the entire organization, allowing you to focus on what you do best; patient care.