
BioTouch™ Presents Expert Kitting & Healthcare Logistics at ACMG 2024 Meeting

Our healthcare logistics team was thrilled to be a lead exhibitor at the March 2024 Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting in Toronto! Hosted by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), this event drew a diverse group of exhibitors who showcased the latest advancements and trends in molecular genetics.

It is a worthwhile time for stakeholders across academia, industry, and advocacy groups to converge, exchange ideas, and drive forward the field of molecular genetics toward improved diagnostic testing, therapeutics, and patient care.

Our team is proud to be doing our part in this endeavor, delivering the most trusted and innovative kitting and specialty logistics services for genetic testing.

Highlights of the Week

ACMG 2024 in Toronto was packed with insightful sessions, engaging discussions, and exciting advancements across medical genetics. Topics included:

  • The latest advancements in genetic testing methodologies to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  • Innovative genomic interpretation solutions to accelerate diagnostic decisions and provide deeper insights into genetic data.
  • A decentralized model for ultra-rapid long-read whole genome sequencing.
  • Advancements in exome analysis.
  • Cutting-edge treatments for genetic disorders.
  • Comprehensive diagnostic solutions – from testing for women’s health to newborn screening – ensuring early detection and intervention for various genetic conditions.

The BioTouch Experience at ACMG

The BioTouch Experience was a standout attraction at the Exhibit Hall during the week, drawing in many exciting visitors. Collaboration flourished as participants worked together on designing the next-generation kit and solving challenges related to temperature control and patient experience.

We shared insight on how our high-quality packaging, preconditioned and proactively monitored at every step, helps eliminate temperature excursions and maintain the temperature integrity of specimens for testing.

We described how our technology tracking solution provides real-time geolocation and temperature data for each package and includes alarms to notify us when a shipment is approaching the upper or lower limits of the required temperature range. This helps avoid costly disruptions to our clients.

Other interactive sessions took place throughout the event, including Challenge the Experts and Laboratory Diagnostic Challenges, where experts tackled pediatric, prenatal, and adult diagnostic dilemmas, further highlighting the complexity and importance of accurate genetic diagnosis and treatment.

Overall, ACMG 2024 in Toronto truly showcased the remarkable strides being made in medical genetics, underscoring the ongoing commitment to advancing knowledge, improving patient care, and driving innovation in the field. We are delighted to be at the forefront, providing state-of-the-art healthcare logistics solutions to propel such innovation!

About BioTouch

BioTouch is a single-source, international provider that brings a higher level of care to healthcare delivery, spanning medical kit and supply distribution, printing, logistics, temperature-control, and last-mile services.

Our solutions help eliminate silos and give laboratories and hospitals all the critical intelligence needed to create new efficiencies across the entire organization, allowing you to focus on what you do best: patient care.